Vesicode AB
Vesicode AB is a Swedish bio-tech company with the mission of providing researchers and clinics with a high throughput, multiplexed technology for analysis of extracellular vesicles.
Vesicode AB was founded in 2017, based on the pioneering research of Dr. Di Wu during his time at Uppsala University. The innovative panels provided by Vesicode AB make use of our patented proximity barcoding assay (PBA) technology. Our technology aids researchers in furthering the biological understanding of extracellular vesicles role in cellular processes. It allows for accurate proteomic profiling, enabling researchers in academia and industry to detect, quantify and stratify individual extracellular vesicles.
Our PBA technology is a translational research tool, which can be applied to several scientific fields, such as oncology, neurology, and immunology; and promotes the elucidation of EVs usefulness as biomarkers for disease detection. Vesicode AB offers today, an ever expanding range of profiling panels that enables biomarker discovery at new dimension.